
coComment auto inject Greasemonkey script updated

The coComment people have changed format of the javascript code injected by their bookmarklet recently in a way which was incompatible with my recent coComment auto injector Greasemonkey script. (The variable cocomment_webs that held all data on how to pick up the relevant information from different comment systems was renamed to cocomment.webs).

Reinstall the script (userscripts.org entry) for a fixed version which caters either format.


  1. Thanks so much for the update! Cheers!

  2. hi again! i was just wondering if the script is still functional? it doesn't invoke the cocomment bookmarklet again.. sorry about the inconvenience..

  3. You're right, it's another incompatible coComment change. I'll try to get another version out soon after figuring out what needs doing. (I have a decent idea, but avoiding a deeper look might just end up making it not one, but two, three, or five updates in quick succession, as additional incompatibilities creep up, one at a time.)


Limited HTML (such as <b>, <i>, <a>) is supported. (All comments are moderated by me amd rel=nofollow gets added to links -- to deter and weed out monetized spam.)

I would prefer not to have to do this as much as you do. Comments straying too far off the post topic often lost due to attention dilution.

Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.